POSSIBLE POSTALWAR 1957 Canada- Hungary 2022 Ukrain - Russia. 2020 Russia - Ukrain/Crimea. 2020 Cyprus – Turkey. 2021 British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT), postage stamps invalid according to the UPU. 1938 Nicaragua-Honduras / Nicaragua-Honduras 1952 DDR-West-Berlin / GDR-West-Berlin 1953 BRD-DDR / FRG-GDR 1953 Nord-Vietnam-Frankreich / North Vietnam-France 1960 Pakistan-India / Pakistan-India 1962 West-Berlin-DDR / West-Berlin-GDR 1964 BRD-CSSR / FRG-Czechoslovakia 1966 USA-Polen / USA-Poland 1968 Tschechoslowakei-DDR / Czechoslovakia-GDR 1978 Tschechoslowakei-Chile / Czechoslovakia-Chile 1978 Bulgarien-Chile / Bulgaria-Chile 1978 Niederlande-Sowjet-Union / The Netherlands-Sovjet-Union 1983 Falkland Inseln-Argentinien / Falkland Islands – Argentina 1985 Österreich-DDR / Austria-GDR 1985-1987-1988 Iran-Afghanistan 1988 Iran-Kuweit / Iran-Kuwait 1997 Frankreich-Algerien / France-Algeria 1998 FYROM (Mazedonien)-Griechenland / FYROM (Macedonia)-Greece 2009 Iran-Ägypten / Iran-Egypt 2020 Azerbaidjan – Armenia, the Nagorno Karabach conflict Go up Go up Go up Go up Go up Go up Go up Go up Go up Go up Go up Go up Go up Go up Go up Go up Go up Go up Go up Go up Go up Go up Go up Go up Go up